Tag: Share Market

Bull Market – Definition, Benefits and Tips for Investing

A bull market refers to a situation where the prices of stocks are on the rise, usually as a result of the increased confidence of investors. In these phases, the economy is usually considered strong, and the rates of employment are on the rise. Bull markets can run for as long as several months or […]

Demat – Meaning, Working, Types & Advantages

Investing in the stock market has become increasingly accessible to individuals due to the introduction of Demat accounts. Demat account, short for “Dematerialised account,” is an innovative digital storage that allows investors to hold their securities in an electronic format, eliminating the need for physical share certificates. The rise of Demat accounts has not only […]

Trading – Meaning, History, Types, Working and Advantages

Trading is the buying and selling of financial instruments like stocks, commodities, currencies andderivatives in different markets. For individuals, it opens an opportunity to make money out of thechanges in prices and to manage the challenges of the global economy.In particular, the use of technology in trading has increased the number of people who are […]

The Bear Market: What It Is And How To Navigate It

The word “Bear Market” often causes investors great anxiety and concern. This market ischaracterized as the one in which security prices drop by 20% or more from current highs. Itusually occurs amid an economic slump, typified by dropping stock prices, lower consumerconfidence, and lessened economic activity. Bear markets could run for months or even years.It […]

What is Equity?

A Guide To Understanding Equity In FinanceAmong the most basic concepts in finance is equity. Similar meanings for it include justice,worth, and responsibility. Whether you are an investor, a company owner, or someone elseinterested in the financial markets, you must first grasp equity. Let’s define equity, discuss itsmany forms, and explain why it is so […]